To all of you stay at home moms...
Would you consider the ability to stay at home with your children a "Luxury"?
The other day, after a hard week of sickness and tantrums and not having any help, I sat in front of the TV, 5 cookies in hand, and zoned out. I got a phone call and as I told her what I was doing her reply was, "I wish I had that luxury."
Now this is coming from a single woman with a job and school, and nothing more to worry about but herself.
To me, my 15 minutes of alone time with no children climbing on me (only because they had finally decided to nap at the same time) was nothing more than a breather, and wish I could have taken my 15 minutes and read a good book. But come on...a luxury?! I had no energy for anything else but that.
Out of curiousity I went ahead and googled it...
luxurySo, what do you think? To me a luxury would be a nanny maybe, or even a night for myself. Or how bout a 20 minute uninterrupted shower? Or a bathroom break?! What a luxury :)
1. indulgence in and enjoyment of rich, comfortable, and sumptuous living
2. (sometimes plural) something that is considered an indulgence rather than a necessity
3. something pleasant and satisfying the luxury of independence
4. (modifier) relating to, indicating, or supplying luxury a luxury liner
Or how bout this house? I'm sure I would also have the "Luxury" of having a few maids, a chef, and JUST have the responsibility of caring for my children and husband.
No, my friends, I do not consider myself to be luxurious in the "stay at home" department. Although I do love my children, and do appreciate my husband for giving me the opportunity to stay home with my little ones, it does have it's downsides.
I wouldn't trade these moments for anything, but I wouldn't mind a break with a side of energy once in a while.
PS: Yes, I have been away from the blogging world. My husband has pretty much been gone from 8 in the morning to about 8 at night, so I've been on my own with the babies. And I'm exhausted. But I am not giving up!