Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday Featurette

Here's another blog Feature!

Meet Mandi
Her blog is not only funny, but also inspirational. She has gorgeous giveaways, and she doesn't skip a beat.

Here is some advice I read on her blog a while back that I really liked, and really helped:

"If you find yourself slacking on other areas of your life because blogging is taking up too much of your time then I would suggest a few things:

♥Schedule out your day. What do you have to do? What chores need to get done?
♥Plan what time you will spend on your blog and stick to it! Set the oven timer if you have to!
♥Write your posts when you are less distracted. Before the kids get up or after they go to bed.
♥Make sure you have time for that husband of yours! Trust me, this helps! ;)
♥If you find some extra time write more than one post and save them for crazy times.
♥Don't neglect your kids to be on the computer. It will affect (effect?) your writing.
♥Make sure your major chores are done before writing. It can relieve the stress.
♥Be realistic. It may not be possible for you to post everyday. Maybe 3-4 days is all you can do. That's fine!"

Check her out!
Tales Of A Recovering Perfectionist

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